LONDON — The United States, in coordination withFrance and Britain, carried out a series of predawnairstrikes on Saturday in Syria in response to whatit said was a chemical weapons attack this month inthe rebel-held Damascus suburb of Douma.
The strikes were the latest development in a long-running and complex conflict with consequences farbeyond Syria itself — including in the United States,Iran, Russia and other parts of Europe.
Here are seven takeaways from the airstrikes and their aftermath:
The strikes were intense, limited.
The United States and its allies tried to walk a fine line with the airstrikes, sending a strongmessage to President Bashar Assad of Syria without provoking a military response fromRussia and Iran, Assad’s two strongest allies.
美國及其盟友小心把握本次空襲的分寸,既要向敘利亞總統(tǒng)巴沙爾?阿薩德(Bashar al-Assad)發(fā)出強有力的信息,又不能激起阿薩德最強大的兩位盟友——俄羅斯和伊朗的軍事反擊。
The operation on Saturday was more powerful than an airstrike ordered by President DonaldTrump last year — this time there were three targets, rather than one, requiring twice as manyweapons. But it was limited to one night, at least for the moment; was specifically aimed atchemical weapons facilities’ and steered clear of Russian soldiers and bases.
“Right now this is a one-time shot, and I believe it has sent a very strong message to dissuadehim, to deter him from doing it again,” Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said of Assad, althoughTrump suggested there might be more to come. “We are prepared to sustain this response,”he said, until Syria abandons its use of chemical weapons.
“目前這是一次性打擊,我相信它已經(jīng)傳遞了十分強硬的信息來阻止他,防止他再這么做,”國防部長吉姆?馬蒂斯(Jim Mattis)在談到阿薩德時說道,盡管特朗普表示可能還會有更多行動?!拔覀儨?zhǔn)備維持這一反應(yīng),”他說,直到敘利亞放棄使用化學(xué)武器。
The U.S. chose not to wait.
The United States and its allies went ahead with the airstrikes in the face of severaldevelopments that suggested they could be delayed.
Inspectors from the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons arrived in Damascus,Syria, on Saturday to investigate the attack in Douma, the group said in a post on Twitter.
禁止化學(xué)武器組織(Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons)在Twitter上表示,該組織的檢查人員已在周六抵達敘利亞大馬士革,對本次發(fā)生在杜馬的襲擊展開調(diào)查。
Mattis was working to slow the move toward a military response, concerned that a missilestrike could spark a wider conflict between Russia, Iran and the West.
And Trump sent mixed signals about timing. On Wednesday, he warned Russia on Twitter thatmissiles “will be coming, nice and new and ‘smart!'” But the next day, he added: “Never saidwhen an attack on Syria would take place. Could be very soon or not so soon at all!”
At a news conference Saturday morning, Prime Minister Theresa May of Britain said that thestrikes had been “the right thing to do,” in part for the “operational security” of those carryingthem out.
英國首相特麗莎?梅(Theresa May)在周六上午的新聞發(fā)布會上表示,本次襲擊是“一件正確的事”,部分是出于確保襲擊執(zhí)行者的“行動安全”。
Assad absorbed another blow.
The airstrikes sent an unambiguous message to Assad, and it was not clear that it wouldchange his thinking. He remained firmly in power thanks to the support of Russia and Iran.
Assad has essentially been under siege since the Syrian civil war began more than seven yearsago. In that time, he has dealt with the war, airstrikes, sanctions, Islamic State militants, avariety of rebel groups and a crumbling economy.
As Syrian state media reported that many of the missiles had been intercepted, the Syrianpresidency’s Twitter account posted a video that appeared to show Assad showing up for justanother day at the office.
The events depicted could not be independently verified.
Capitol Hill remained divided.
The reaction in Washington was divided along party lines, with the strikes bringing praise fromRepublicans and criticism from Democrats like Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., the House minority leader.
華盛頓的反應(yīng)依黨派涇渭分明,軍事打擊引起共和黨人贊揚,亦招致加州民主黨議員、眾議院少數(shù)黨領(lǐng)袖南希?佩洛西(Nancy Pelosi)等民主黨人的批評。
“The Butcher of Damascus learned two lessons tonight the hard way,” Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., said in a statement. “Weapons of mass destruction won’t create a military advantageonce the United States is done with you and Russia cannot protect its clients from the UnitedStates.”
“大馬士革屠夫今晚以殘酷的方式得到了兩個教訓(xùn),”阿肯色州共和黨參議員湯姆?科頓(Tom Cotton)在一份聲明中說?!耙坏┟绹蛩銓Ω赌悖笠?guī)模殺傷性武器也不會產(chǎn)生軍事優(yōu)勢;還有,俄羅斯也無法保護其委托人不受美國威脅。”
Sen. Tim Kaine, D-Va., complained that Trump had not sought permission from Congress.Proceeding with the strikes, he said, was “illegal and — absent a broader strategy — it’sreckless.”
弗吉尼亞州民主黨參議員蒂姆?凱恩(Tim Kaine)抱怨特朗普沒有向國會申請許可。他說,軍事打擊是“非法的——而且缺乏更大的戰(zhàn)略,是魯莽的做法?!?/P>
Russia deploys angry rhetoric.
Russia called for an urgent meeting of the U.N. Security Council, and offered some harshwarnings before the attack. (At the meeting, the Security Council rejected a Russian resolutioncondemning the missile strikes.) But the speed and the tone of the Russian reaction onSaturday, stressing that the attack had not resulted in a direct confrontation and was ratherlimited, suggested almost relief on the part of the Kremlin.
According to Russian state news media, President Vladimir Putin condemned the missilestrikes as an “act of aggression against a sovereign state” and against the United NationsCharter.
據(jù)俄羅斯國家新聞媒體報道,弗拉基米爾?普京(Vladimir Putin)總統(tǒng)譴責(zé)導(dǎo)彈襲擊是“侵略主權(quán)國家的行為”,違背了《聯(lián)合國憲章》。
May avoided a conflict at home.
May has said she believed there was a need to send a strong message about the use ofchemical weapons, but she also had compelling diplomatic and political reasons to supportthe United States — and to carry out the strikes as soon as possible.
One imperative was the desire to reciprocate the support London has received from theUnited States in the dispute with Russia over the poisoning of a former spy, Sergei V. Skripal,and his daughter, Yulia S. Skripal, on British soil.
英國與俄羅斯就前英國間諜謝爾蓋?V?斯克里帕爾(Sergei V. Skripal)及其女兒尤莉亞?S?斯克里帕爾(Yulia S.Skripal)在英國領(lǐng)土被下毒一事產(chǎn)生爭端,在這個過程中,英國獲得了美國的支持,現(xiàn)在它急欲對此做出回報。
May, who made an explicit connection between the airstrikes in Syria and the poisoning of theSkripals, benefited from the timing of the airstrikes, two days before lawmakers were to returnfrom vacation. While not obligated to consult Parliament, she may have felt constrained to doso and could easily have lost a vote on a strike, as her predecessor David Cameron did in2013.
梅在對敘利亞的空襲和斯克里帕爾父女被下毒這兩件事之間建立起明確的聯(lián)系;此外,空襲發(fā)生在議員們休假歸來的兩天前,這個時機也令她從中受益。盡管她沒有義務(wù)與議會商討,但她可能覺得最好還是不要這樣做,空襲投票恐怕難以通過,她的前任戴維?卡梅倫(David Cameron)在2013年就是這樣。
Britain also wants to prove its use as an ally to Trump at a time when its international influenceis under question because of its withdrawal from the European Union, and when it hopes tostrengthen trade ties with the United States.
For France, a red line was crossed.
President Emmanuel Macron had prepared his nation for this moment: He had discussed thepossibility of airstrikes and made clear early in his presidency that the use of chemical weaponswas a red line.
埃馬紐埃爾?馬克龍(Emmanuel Macron)總統(tǒng)早已令法國為這一刻做好了準(zhǔn)備:他曾討論過空襲的可能性,并在擔(dān)任總統(tǒng)之初就明確表示過,使用化學(xué)武器是一條紅線。