We refer to your fax to dated 22 November 2012 in respect of the captioned subject. On behalf of the Company, we hereby address your concern as follows. Terms used herein shall have the same meanings as defined in the Announcement unless otherwise stated.
The Company is of the view that the issue and conversion of the Preferred Shares will not trigger any obligation under the Takeovers Code by the following reasons:
contrary to holders of the ordinary Shares, holders of the Preferred Shares are not entitled to any voting rights and thus will not be able to exercise control over the Company before converting the Preferred Shares into ordinary Shares; and
the conversion of the Preferred Shares is subject to the condition that, among others, it shall not trigger a mandatory offer obligation under Rule 26 of the Takeovers Code on the part of the Preferred Shares holder who exercised the conversion rights.
The above arrangements will ensure that the issue and conversion of the Preferred Shares will not trigger any obligation under the Takeovers Code.
Nevertheless, a copy of the draft announcement will be sent to SFC for confirmation of the above view.
ShineWing/Company: Please advise how the Preferred Shares will be accounted for in the Company’s financial statements (i.e. equity or debts).